Red Clay
Red clay for skin
100% natural Moroccan product. Moroccan red clay is
considered one of the most effective natural treatments in the treatment of
skin because it contains necessary minerals, that work to tighten the skin,
revitalize it and maintain its durability, which contributes to delaying aging
and keeping its youth permanently.
Benefits of Moroccan red clay
- Clean, filter and soften the skin
- Lightening the skin color
- Anti-wrinkle
- Eliminates the effects of pimples
- Very good nourishing for dry skin
- Removes black spots
- Can be used as a hair mask and will be very useful in
purifying the scalp and softening the hair
How to use red clay
Put half of the amount of clay in a pot with an appropriate amount of rose water, and wait until the red clay dries, it is fast melting. Mix it well until you get a homogeneous paste.
Put the Moroccan red clay on the face and neck, and you can also use it for the body as well. Wait 15 minutes and then rub and wash the face with lukewarm water to remove the clay from the face.
Use red clay twice a week
Pure and 100% natural
The package size is 140 grams
Suitable for sensitive and regular skin
* Buy now and you
will get a gift from the Zena
* The product + gift will arrive at your door.
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